How URL Shorteners Impact Your Digital Marketing Campaigns
Are you running a digital marketing campaign? Do you know how effective it would be if you include URL shorteners as part of your digital campaign strategy? Well, URL shorteners have a great impact on any digital marketing campaign.
If you have never considered it, we will break it down for you by discussing the top reasons why you should have short URLs and how they can impact your digital marketing campaigns.
Top 5 Reasons to Shorten Your URLs
One of the most important aspects of any SEO strategy is the URL. It is a small task but when overlooked, it can have a severe effect on any marketing campaign.
There are many chances that you have come across a website with a URL that is not attractive and you immediately ignored it. Well, the same principle applies when sending out URLs to your intended audience. If they don't like it, they probably won't click on it.
The best way to do that is to have a short URL that will appeal to your target audience. Here are the top five reasons for doing that:
1. Improve Search Engine Rankings
While the structure of your URL is not a direct ranking signal, it influences the overall rank of your site. This is because it carries qualities that are important in influencing the ranking of your site.
For example, if you include a targeted keyword on the URL, Google will rank it better than a similar site without a keyword on the URL. This is because it gives the readers a better idea of the content on your page.
So, if you want to make your page more visible on Google and among your viewers, you must add a keyword to your URL. The best way to do this is by shortening your URL and ensuring there is a keyword on it. This is because a short link looks more attractive to the eyes of the audience and they can easily comprehend what the webpage is about from the keyword included.
2. Boosts Your Trustworthiness
As mentioned, a short link is attractive to the eyes of the audience. There is a reason why people prefer to click on short links rather than lengthy ones. Think about yourself and how you will react to two different sites, one with a long URL and another one with a shorter URL.
Just like a normal consumer, you are likely to click on the site that has a shorter URL because it looks more trustworthy. Apart from being trustworthy, short URLs are also authoritative.
To have a greater impact on your marketing campaign, you should aim to have a short URL that passes the readability test. The best way to do this is to read the URL aloud and see if it makes sense or it sounds confusing. As a marketer, you are likely to make an informed decision if you position yourself as a potential consumer.
Another great thing that short URLs have that makes them trustworthy is the reduction of the use of subfolders and subdomains. If you have a cleaner URL, you are likely to be trustworthy among your potential and existing clientele base.
3. Enables Easier Growth of Your Site
If you are on an expansion quest, you can use short URLs as the basic tools for expansion. Any growing site requires more sections and pages throughout. URL shorteners help you to sort out any emerging confusion that may arise out of such growth.
Long URLs make it hard for search engines to crawl your site. This needs you to have short links that can be categorized easily for growth.
As a digital marketer, this should be your aim because any digital team wants to be in a position where they can expand their sites.
4. It is Easier to Share Shorter URLs
When it comes to digital marketing campaigns, sharing links is an important aspect that influences the success of such campaigns. It is easier to share shorter links than it is with longer links. There are social networks such as Twitter, which limits the number of characters to be used when sharing links.
Furthermore, you are likely to get more shares with shorter URLs because the consumer market prefers precise links rather than long ones. Shorter links are also memorable and work well for a marketing campaign that intends to be impactful.
5. Align Your Marketing Content with Expectations of the Users
Short and customizable URLs allow digital marketers to optimize their URLs with user expectations. You can use this opportunity to show your users what the page is about.
The target is to match the content of the page and the URL. They don't necessarily need to be a perfect match, but they should guide your potential viewers into getting a better insight into what the content is about.
3 Ways to Make URL Shorteners Impactful on Your Digital Marketing Campaigns
Here are the top 3 ways you can make use of URL shorteners to your advantage:
1. Use reputable companies
You should stick to working with the best URL shorteners. In as much as you can get a free URL shortener, it is advisable that you only pick the best companies to work with for the best results. For example, if you want to shorten your Facebook URL, you can try Lnnkin to get the best Facebook URL shortener services.
2. Use data analytics well
When you pick a URL shortener, you will get advanced data analytics for your marketing campaign. You are supposed to use them effectively to make the best out of your marketing campaign. You need to compare your efforts and see which ones are working against those that aren't working.
3. Always use your domain name and a related keyword
This tip cannot be stressed enough as it is pivotal to the success of your marketing campaign. The audience prefers short links with the brand name. For SEO, adding a related keyword will boost the ranking of your webpage.
Therefore, do not underrate the importance of URL shorteners for digital marketing campaigns.